One of the key mechanics of this game is grabbing stars as you see them, and collecting as many of them as possible. Grab As Many Stars As Possible For New Levels Don’t make the mistake of going too high too fast, because you just might miss a couple stealthy little crabs in the process. Save those big jumps for later in the level and try to look as thoroughly in the tower while being alert for those baby crabs. The game’s makers have conveniently hidden a lot of the baby crabs in those tight spaces that are otherwise easy to miss. And while you will, by instinct, want to move up, you will also want to explore quite a bit. Normally, you’ll find the exit on top of the level, or near it. Crab 2 are designed like vertical structures, meaning a lot like towers or tall buildings. Look Very Carefully To Find The Hidden Crabs Crab 2 tips and tricks that can help you overcome more obstacles and save more crabs. So with that said, here are some pretty cool Mr. Even then, we believe all gamers should have a chance at a head start, should they want to finish the game or go far as soon as possible.

This is a fun game that’s not as casual or simple as other arcade titles, but it’s still simple enough for most players to learn. Though, as is always the case, achieving those goals is not at all impossible. There’s a lot of jumping and physics-related challenges here that would require exquisite timing and quick actions, and the presence of various enemies will also make it harder for you to achieve your goal. He’s got some new friends joining him in this new adventure, and the goal of the game is to save all the lost baby crabs. Crab 2, and it puts you in control of the irresistible, friendly, and cool superhero called Mr. This brand new iOS game from Illusion Labs is totally different – it’s called Mr. Krabs – for one, that character has a “K” at the start of his name. Crab 2 has nothing to do with the Spongebob series and the character Mr. Addressing the proverbial elephant in the room, Mr.