While some may write off the touch screen controls as a gimmick, there's no denying the value that Resident Evil: Deadly Silence brings to the table otherwise. Resident Evil: Deadly Silence even supports multiplayer game modes, with support for both competitive and cooperative play. It also takes advantage of the DS console's superior hardware when compared to the 90s systems, allowing players to skip door opening cut-scenes, allowing for a more user-friendly experience. Resident Evil: Deadly Silence makes great use of the Nintendo DS system's unique capabilities. Resident Evil: Deadly Silence includes the original Resident Evil experience from 1996, but with touch screen controls, as well as a Rebirth Mode that adds DS-specific touch screen and ups the enemy count.

While technically a re-done version of the PS1 game, Resident Evil: Deadly Silence plays differently enough and adds enough new content that it really deserves to be considered on its own merits. Another notable version of the first Resident Evil game is Resident Evil: Deadly Silence on the Nintendo DS.