Swap commands in dota
Swap commands in dota

swap commands in dota

-don/doff – Toggles the death time on or off.-weather(wind/snow/moonlight/wind/rainy/random) – Switches to specified weather.Can be switched off by using “-weather off ” command.Both the players must enter each others numbers in for a successful swap. -swap # – Offers to swap your hero with another player’s.Writing it without a number will play a random hero quote. -unstuck – Pauses and freezes your hero for 60 seconds and for obvious makes it invulnerable, after which you are teleported to your base.Use this if you are stuck in impassable terrains.-enablehelp – Re-enables effects from certain allied spells and allows allies to pick up your items in the fountain area.Also prevents allies from picking up your items in the fountain area. disablehelp – Prevents certain spells, such as Test of Faith cast by an allied Holy Knight, from affecting you.-cson/csoff – Activates/De-Activates the cs display to display your creep kills and denies.Other players vote with -ok or -no after this command is entered. -switch – Allows you to switch teams with another player.-es – Enables/Disables selection helper.-cs – Displays your creep kills, denies, and neutral kills.-ma – Displays the heroes your opponents control and their levels.-random str– Gives you a random Strength hero in modes like All Pick.150 gold is refunded.-random agi– Gives you a random Agility hero in modes like All Pick.-random int– Gives you a random Intelligence hero in modes like All Pick.-random– Gives you a random hero in modes like All Pick.250 gold is refunded back to you after picking.-tips – Gives you various helpful tips about your hero throughout the game.Most common way of playing the hero are displayed by using this command.

Swap commands in dota