Īnalysis and discussions on PISA, TIMMS, YGS and LYS examinations. 22 Learning Science/Mathematics: Affective Aspects (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6(Fen/Matematik. 21 Learning Science/Mathematics : Cognitive Aspects (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6(Fen/Matematik. Critical analysis of domain- specific materials and resources in relation to methods, strategies and techniques used in science and mathematics education.

Teaching methods, strategies, techniques and principles specific to the areas of mathematics and science.

01 Inferential Statistics I (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 7(Vardaml.

40 Science, Technology and Society (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5(Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum)Information explosion, advancement of technology, economics of knowledge and their educational reflections. Major trends and standards in science/mathematics education. PROGRAM IN TEACHING PHYSICSFirst Semester. PROGRAM IN TEACHING MATHEMATICSFirst Semester. Inorganic Chemistry I3 -Chemistry Elective. PROGRAM IN TEACHING CHEMISTRYFirst Semester.Ĭr. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN PHYSICS EDUCATIONFirst Semester. Teaching Algebra and Pre- Calculus for Secondary School. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATIONFirst Semester.Ĭr. Courses offered by the Department of Secondary School Science and Mathematics Education integrate theoretical considerations in the field with methodology and practical applications in the selected secondary schools. Courses offered by the Faculty of Education cover curriculum and professional studies introducing various aspects of education, psychology, guidance, and classroom management. All programs include courses offered by the departments of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (predominantly in the first three years) and the Faculty of Education starting from the first year to the final year. Graduates are expected to be reflective and competent educators, sensitive to the demands of their job, responsive to a developing education system and technological requirements, committed to continuing their own professional development, and ready to play a leading role in the field of science and mathematics education.